All Mission Guide
Initiatives in the Church Amidst the Current Situation in Japan
Based on Mathew 9:36, Sasagu Okumura reflects on the importance of compassion in the wake of COVID-19 and a natural disaster in Japan.
The Power of Last Words
Rev. Dr. Wati Longchar laments the cruelty of COVID-19 but also sees it as a unique opportunity to focus on what matters most.
The Mission of the Church
Deiser Campos responds to the question: “Do we have a Church in the middle of a crisis or a crisis in the middle of a Church?”
La Misión de la Iglesia
Deiser Campos responde a la pregunta: “¿Tenemos una Iglesia en medio de una crisis o una crisis en medio de una Iglesia?”
Justice and Compassion: Mission in Post-COVID Society
Jonathan Ingleby shows how Jesus’s compassion was more than a powerful emotion. It ushered in a program of action.
Ser Igreja fora do templo
Lília Dias Marianno compartilha como a Igreja Batista de Água Branca respondeu à pandemia global.
Theology in Times of Crisis
Luiz Sayão examines the prophesy of Nahum in the context of a pagan world and expounds on God’s mercy.
Equipping Youth and Children to Be Worshippers
By including youth and children in the creation of internet worship services, Ai Akers reflects on positive outcomes of the project.
Freedom of Religion or Belief and COVID-19: What Makes for a Legitimate Limitation?
Kieryn Wurts discusses the complex social and political aspects of COVID-19 restrictions and the church’s response to limitations on freedom of religion or belief.
From Relapse to Hope
Cristina Arcidiacono reflects on a year in Italy during the lockdown and issues a call to hope from Psalm 31.
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Click on the map below to search for content based on the contributor’s region, with options including All Africa Baptist Fellowship, Asia Pacific Baptist Federation, Caribbean Baptist Fellowship, European Baptist Federation, North American Baptist Fellowship, and Union of Baptists in Latin America.

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Theological Reflection
The Power of Last Words
Rev. Dr. Wati Longchar laments the cruelty of COVID-19 but also sees it as a unique opportunity to focus on what matters most.
Justice and Compassion: Mission in Post-COVID Society
Jonathan Ingleby shows how Jesus’s compassion was more than a powerful emotion. It ushered in a program of action.
Projeto Cuidar
Lécio Dornas descreve o Projecto Cuidar (Projeto Cuidar) como uma resposta prática a uma questão espiritual: “Como podemos ajudar os brasileiros que vivem em nossa comunidade durante a pandemia?”
Teologia e pandemia em tempos de crise
Luiz Sayão examina a profecia de Nahum no contexto de um mundo pagão e discorre sobre a misericórdia de Deus.
The Priesthood of All Believers
In response to the global pandemic’s impact on the Church, Rev. Lisa Weaver examines the priesthood of believers and the participation of all Christians in the ministry of Jesus.
Grassroots Stories
Pandemic-Born Creativity
Allison Benfield explains how God’s creative Spirit worked through the disruption of normality and led to innovative ways to celebrate Advent and Christmas.
Projeto Cuidar
Lécio Dornas descreve o Projecto Cuidar (Projeto Cuidar) como uma resposta prática a uma questão espiritual: “Como podemos ajudar os brasileiros que vivem em nossa comunidade durante a pandemia?”
The Impact of COVID-19 on Churches in Nigeria
Oladeji Adebayo reports on the impact of COVID-19 in Nigeria and relates practical guidance to reduce infection in places of worship.
Victorian Baptist Churches on a Mission for Innovation
Despite strictly enforced limitations due to COVID-19, Daniel Bullock tells how one church led the way in “missiological ecclesiology.”
The Daily Office in a Contemporary Setting
Alex Pugh describes the spiritual growth experienced in her church by implementing daily devotional videos on YouTube.
Practical Guidelines
La Misión de la Iglesia
Deiser Campos responde a la pregunta: “¿Tenemos una Iglesia en medio de una crisis o una crisis en medio de una Iglesia?”
God Is Not in Crisis
Inspired by Psalm 23, Devora Stefanny Barreto Hurtado shares that in spite of the entire world going through a time of integral crisis, God is not in crisis.
Freedom of Religion or Belief and COVID-19: What Makes for a Legitimate Limitation?
Kieryn Wurts discusses the complex social and political aspects of COVID-19 restrictions and the church’s response to limitations on freedom of religion or belief.
Theology in Times of Crisis
Luiz Sayão examines the prophesy of Nahum in the context of a pagan world and expounds on God’s mercy.
Dios no está en Crisis
Inspirada en el Salmo 23, Devora Stefanny Barreto Hurtado comparte cómo Dios no está en crisis incluso cuando el mundo lo está.
Video Resources
Global Baptist leaders share ministry insights learned in the last year and how they can be integrated within your context.