Global Baptist Mission Network | Baptist World Alliance

Global Baptist Mission Network

In seeking to fulfill our mission to Network the Baptist Family to Impact the World for Christ, the Baptist World Alliance is pleased to announce the formation of the Global Baptist Mission Network (GBMN).

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Global Baptist Mission Network

What is the Global Baptist Mission Network (GBMN)?

Hosted and facilitated by the BWA, it has been established on the principle of a shared partnership of equals embracing interdependence, collaboration, cooperation, and networking, so as to:

  • facilitate the building of relationships among Baptist mission leaders and movements around the world,
  • provide prophetic thought leadership in the field of mission,
  • assist with the identification of unreached fields and activities needed to reach these fields,
  • encourage collaboration, where possible, between agencies and mission personnel,
  • curtail resource waste and avoid unnecessary duplication, and,
  • enable member and associated organizations to work more effectively.
The Network, made up of leaders of Mission Agencies, Mission Departments of BWA Member Bodies, along with other organizations and professionals working with a focus on the advancement of world mission, will gather annually at its Forum meeting.

Forum Meeting Opportunities

  • relationship building and sharing,
  • discussions and agreement on projects that will be undertaken by and
    for the benefit of the members,
  • thought provoking input,
  • time for sub groups to work on projects.

Projects will be missionally and culturally relevant, financially sustainable, impacting and collaborating, selected and executed in line on the basis of the vision, mission and values of the network. They will be planned, implemented and delivered by subgroups drawn from within the Network membership.

Global Baptist Mission Network

Inaugural Members

Name of Organizations Countries Regions
Nigerian Baptist Convention Nigeria AABF
Ethiopian Addis Kidan Baptist Church Ethiopia AABF
Baptist Mission Australia Australia APBF
Baptist Church of Mizoram, India India APBF
Nagaland Missions Movement (NBCC) India APBF
The Union of Indonesian Baptist Churches Indonesia APBF
Jamaica Baptist Union Jamaica CBF
Baptist Union of Denmark Denmark EBF
BMS World Mission Great Britain EBF
Living Word Society, The Convention of Lebanese Baptist Evangelical Churches Lebanon EBF
Russian Union of Evangelical Christian Baptists Russia EBF
Ukrainian Baptist Union Ukraine EBF
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship USA NABF
American Baptist International Ministries USA NABF
NBCA (INC) – International Foreign Mission USA NABF
Lott Carey Baptist Foreign Mission Convention USA NABF
Canadian Baptist Ministries Canada NABF
Brazilian Baptist World Mission, JMM Brazil UBLA
Confederación Evangélica Bautista – Evangelical Baptist Confederation Argentina UBLA
Directorate of Missions and Evangelization – National Baptist Convention of Venezuela Venezuela UBLA
The Administrative Mission Board, National Baptist Convention of Brazil Brazil UBLA
Junta de Missoes Nacionais – Board of National Missions Brazil UBLA