Moving Beyond the Pandemic | Baptist World Alliance

Moving Beyond the Pandemic:

Making 2022 Count

Hosted By

Baptist World Alliance Forum for Aid and Development (BFAD)



How can the church serve faithfully in its context and community in 2022?

Many are slipping back into extreme poverty, national governments are weakening because of political and social strife, and economies are struggling as markets are continually disrupted. Some church leaders are recognizing that, in this context, their ministry hasn’t stopped. It is actually just beginning. So how can the church and development organizations begin to build back and build up in a world that is discovering new norms and ways of being? Join us to hear from a global community development strategist, an investment specialist, and a practitioner.

Date and Time

January 27 8:00 AM (EST)


Moving Beyond the Pandemic

Oenone Chadburn

Tearfund: Head of Humanitarian and Resilience

An Executive Leader with senior experience in the International networks, UN System, International and local organizations, and the UK voluntary sector. Oenone is a global specialist in community development, disaster risk management and finance, and localization; with programmatic and policy level experience in capacity sharing and development; disaster risk reduction (DRR) among others specializations, and is a proactive broker in local and national government planning; community empowerment; participatory facilitation; and organizational development of National NGOs and civil society.

Moving Beyond the Pandemic

Dipak Raj Rai

Executive Director of Multipurpose Community Development Service

Dipak Raj Rai is currently living in Kathmandu, Nepal. He is now serving as Executive Director of MCDS. He served more than 16 years in the field of community development. He likes serving in faith-based NGOs where people know each other well, work together, and celebrate the success.

Moving Beyond the Pandemic

Rob Jackett

CBM: Senior Director of Finance and Administration

Rob is currently Senior Director of Finance and Administration for Canadian Baptist Ministries.  In his role, he has responsibility for the oversight of CBM’s operational budget, the National Canadian Pension and Benefit Plans and provides leadership to the Canadian partner network in areas of financial management and systems. Rob has travelled extensively helping build the capacity of CBM’s global partners. Prior to joining CBM in 2008, Rob worked in the Forest Products Industry in Senior Leadership roles. Rob has a degree in Finance and an MBA in marketing. He is married to Erla who is an Executive Principal and an Associate Member of University of Toronto’s Faculty of Education. They have two adult sons.