Holistic Mission Webinar: Part Three
Baptist World Alliance Webinar Series
Hosted By
BWA Commission on Mission
In response to the global impact of COVID-19 on the mission of the church, the Baptist World Alliance developed and released a Holistic Mission Guide earlier this year featuring over fifty articles from around the world. To expound on the ideas and principles found within the guide, the BWA Commission on Mission is hosting a 3-part webinar series.
The third webinar in the series will guide church leaders and grass root church members through the theme of “Suffering.” The first presentation will be on "Theology of Discipleship: Jesus' Discipleship Model of Suffering and Sacrifice" by Israel Oluwole Olofinjana (Nigeria) and the second will be by Dr. Wati Longchar (Nagaland, India) on "The Power of Last Words." A story entitled "From Relapse to Church" written by Cristina Arcidiacono (Italy) will be narrated.
Date and Time
March 22, 2022 3:00 PM
GMT+8:00 (Singapore)
Redux Presentation Available for Those Outside Above Time Zone (Find Out More)
March 31, 5:30 pm BST (United Kingdom)

Wati Longchar
Rev. Dr. Wati Longchar is a Baptist minister from Nagaland, India, who currently serves as the International Associate Missionary and Consultant of International Ministries (IM) for Theological Education Ministry of East and South Asia, a position formed through a partnership with American Baptist Churches USA and Ao Baptist Arogo Mungdang (ABAM) / Ao Baptist Church Association.

Israel Oluwole Olofinjana
Israel Oluwole Olofinjana is the new Director of the One People Commission of the Evangelical Alliance. He is an ordained and accredited Baptist minister and has led two multi-ethnic Baptist churches and an independent charismatic church. He is the founding director of Centre for Missionaries from the Majority World, a mission network initiative that provides cross-cultural training to reverse missionaries in Britain. Israel is an Honorary Research Fellow at Queens Foundation for Theological Ecumenical Education in Birmingham and on the Advisory Group on Race and Theology of Society for the Study of Theology (SST). He is a consultant to the Executive Team of Lausanne Europe advising them on matters related to diaspora ministries in Europe.

Cristina Arcidiacono
Cristina Arcidiacono is a Baptist theologian and pastor in Milan, Italy, and a member of the Board of IBTS Amsterdam. She previously served as the National Secretary of the Theological Department of the Italian Baptist Union, and she is also a member of the translation committee of the “Reformation Bible,” a new Italian translation of the Bible.
Hosts / Moderators

Ann Borquist
Rev. Dr. Ann Borquist serves as Global Consultant for "Mission from Everywhere to Everyone" through International Ministries, ABCUSA. She works alongside partner Baptist conventions in the Asia-Pacific region and around the world to build capacity in church-based community and economic development, theological education, servant leadership, cross-cultural mission training, and refugee work. She has served in the Philippines, the USA, and Brazil, and is now based in Aotearoa, New Zealand. They have two adult children and a very special granddaughter.

Roshan Mendis
With more than 25 years of experience in the field of aid and development, Roshan Mendis is the Director of Asia Pacific Baptist Aid (APBAid). Having served hands-on in grassroots and management environments, Roshan is a sought-after resource person in development practice and a preacher and teacher, particularly in the areas of Integral Mission and Advocacy.