BWA Holistic Mission Guide Webinar (Part 2) | Baptist World Alliance

Holistic Mission Webinar: Part Two

Baptist World Alliance Webinar Series

Hosted By

BWA Commission on Mission



In response to the global impact of COVID-19 on the mission of the church, the Baptist World Alliance developed and released a Holistic Mission Guide (request your free copy) featuring over fifty articles from around the world. To expound on the ideas and principles found within the guide, the BWA Commission on Mission is hosting a 3-part webinar series.

The second webinar in the series will guide church leaders and grassroots church members through the theme of “New Models of Doing Church.” Jerson B. Narciso from the Philippines will share about "Leading the Church Beyond the Pandemic" and Lília Dias Marianno (Brazil) will address how to “Be the Church Outside the Temple.” A powerful story by Asha Sanchu (Nagaland, India) entitled "Light in the Dark, Tiny Room" will also be shared.

Learn more about Part One in the series.


Date and Time

January 18, 2022 at 5:30 PM 

(BST - Sao Paolo Time)

Redux Presentation Available for Those Outside Above Time Zone (Find Out More)
January 25, 3 pm JST (Tokyo Time)

Join Us January 18

Join Us January 25


BWA Holistic Mission Guide Webinar Registration (Part 2)

Lilia Dias Marianno


Lília Dias Marianno is a researcher, professor, and theologian with a PhD in Epistemology (UFRJ) and a MSc in Biblical Exegesis (UMESP). She has worked in various sectors of the Brazilian Baptist Convention, including the coordination of Christian Education. She is a Fellow Researcher at the Center for Process Studies (CPS) and a member of the board of directors for the Brazilian Association of Biblical Research (ABIB).

BWA Holistic Mission Guide Webinar Registration (Part 2)

Jerson B. Narciso

The Philipppines

Jerson B. Narciso is the General Secretary of the Convention of Philippine Baptist Churches and a Professor at Central Philippine University.

BWA Holistic Mission Guide Webinar Registration (Part 2)

Asha Sanchu

Nagaland, India

Asha Sanchu’s passion and call is serve God among sexually exploited girls and women. She strives for justice and to economically empower the people she serves. She currently serves as the Director of Miqlat Ministry, a social faith-based ministry under the Nagaland Baptist Church Council in Nagaland, India.

Hosts Moderators

BWA Holistic Mission Guide Webinar Registration (Part 2)

Mark Craig

United Kingdom

After nearly 20 years as Director of Communications for BMS World Mission, Mark Craig retired in March 2021. In that time, he oversaw BMS’ creative processes and resources as well as contributing leadership to BMS’ global strategy through his other role as an international facilitator of the LEGO® Serious Play® strategy methodology.

BWA Holistic Mission Guide Webinar Registration (Part 2)

Everton Jackson

Jamaica / USA

Everton Jackson is a seasoned leader in global Baptist life, including his role as BWA Regional Secretary / Executive Secretary & Treasurer for the Caribbean Baptist Fellowship from 2010-2020. He currently serves as Director of Integral Mission for the Baptist World Alliance.