The Centenary of the German Baptists | Baptist World Alliance

The Centenary of the German Baptists

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BWA World Congress Resolution 1934.2

107. An Address was given by Prof. C. Schneider, Germany, on the subject: “The Centenary of the German Baptists.”

108. The following Resolution was moved by Dr. J. W. Bradbury, U.S.A.:

“The Fifth Baptist World Congress recognizes a Divine Providence in the fact that it is meeting in Berlin in the centenary year of the German Baptist Movement. The members recall with deep gratitude that one hundred years ago in Hamburg seven persons received New Testament baptism. These covenanted with one another to form a Biblical Church, solemnly choosing and initiating J. G. Oncken as their pastor, a man evidently called and chosen by the grace of God to become the Apostle of the Baptist Communion in the European Continent, and whose life and service were blest in such rich measure that, when he died, 30,000 Baptists mourned him as a spiritual father. The members of this Congress unite in praising God for all that Christ the Lord has accomplished through the Baptist fathers J. G. Oncken, J. Köbner and G. W. Lehmann, to the honour of God and to the healing of souls. The German Baptist movement, in the first hundred years of its history has held aloft the primitive Christian principle, “One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism,” and has gathered multitudes of adherents about this standard.

“The members of the Fifth World Congress rejoice with the Ger-man Baptists that the Baptist movement has persisted m the land of the Reformation, that a flame of truth once extin-guished in blood again burns clearly, and that the work of the Baptists enjoys today public recognition and honour. They pray the Lord who lives and works in His Church to grant their German brethren blessing and victory in the Gospel, so that the second century of their history may see such inward and outward advance in the work of the Lord as shall accord with His promise to His flock, “It is your Father s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom.”

109. The Rev. Boris Busilov, Rumania, seconded the Resolution. 110. The Resolution was supported by Mr. John Nuveen, U.S.A. 111. Hymn 1 was sung.

112. The foregoing Resolution was put to the meeting and was carried unanimously.


Original Source Bibliography: Rushbrooke, J. H., editor. Fifth Baptist World Congress: Berlin, August 4- 10, 1934. London: Baptist World Alliance, 1934.

Original Source Footnote/Endnote: J. H. Rushbrooke, ed., Fifth Baptist World Congress: Berlin, August 4-10, 1934 (London: Baptist World Alliance, 1934), pp. 12-13.

Online Document Full Citation: BWA World Congress Resolution 1934.2 The Centenary of the German Baptists;

In-text Online Document Citation: (BWA World Congress Resolution 1934.2).

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