BWA World Congress Resolution 1939.3
The members of this Sixth Baptist World Congress, meeting in Atlanta, Ga., record their sorrow that it has been impossible for any representatives from the U. S. S. R. to participate in their assembly. They would desire, if it is possible to reach them, to assure the Baptists in those Republics of the prayerful and continuous sympathy of their fellow-believers throughout the World.
The members of this Congress deeply deplore the fact that the government of the U. S. S. R. has maintained through many years, and still maintains, an attitude and policy of hostility to religion.
They earnestly desire friendship between the governments and peoples of the earth, and they would emphasize the fact that truly cordial and intimate relations are made impossible by the existence of repression and persecution.
They therefore appeal to the Soviet Government to concede religious freedom, including liberty of private and public worship, preaching and teaching.
Original Source Bibliography: J. H. Rushbrooke, J. H., editor. Sixth Baptist World Congress Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A., July 22-28, 1939. Atlanta: The Baptist World Alliance, 1939.
Original Source Footnote/Endnote: J. H. Rushbrooke, ed., Sixth Baptist World Congress Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A., July 22-28, 1939 (Atlanta: The Baptist World Alliance, 1939), p. 15.
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In-text Online Document Citation: (BWA World Congress Resolution 1939.3).