Resolution on Displaced Persons | Baptist World Alliance

Resolution on Displaced Persons

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BWA World Congress Resolution 1947.4

“This B.W.A. Congress at Copenhagen, assembled from many lands and representing many peoples, deeply concerned at the condition of the D.P.’s in many camps in Germany, Austria, and other countries, remembering that those who greatly valued their homes are now homeless, and those who formerly were bound in States are now Stateless, and those who once followed a trade or business are now without hire or means of gain, would urge with all emphasis upon all Governments and States concerned:

(1) That the D.P.s should be allowed, so far as possible, to enter countries according to their own choice, and

(2) That as those who have greatly valued their family life, they should be allowed to take their families with them, and

(3) That Governments should reconsider the conditions of immigration so as to admit as large a number as possible irrespective of the national quota, and

(4) That these D.P.s should be accompanied by their pastors to give spiritual comfort and instruction, and to see to their spiritual welfare, and

(5) That access should be granted to all information of name, faith, and destination of each D.P.; and would urge with equal emphasis upon all Baptist communities in the countries where the D.P.s enter that they should prepare and provide for a welcome worthy of the name of Christ, and should offer and cultivate all measures making for mutual fellowship and for worship, especially to those of our own faith and order.”

The resolution was moved, seconded, and unanimously adopted by the Congress.


Original Source Bibliography: Lewis, Walter O., editor. Seventh Baptist World Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 29-August 3, 1947. London: The Carey Kingsgate Press Limited, 1948.

Original Source Footnote/Endnote: Walter O. Lewis, ed., Seventh Baptist World Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 29-August 3, 1947 (London: The Carey Kingsgate Press Limited, 1948), pp. 99-100.

Online Document Full Citation: BWA World Congress Resolution 1947.4 Resolution on Displaced Persons;

In-text Online Document Citation: (BWA World Congress Resolution 1947.4).

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