Resolution of Thanks | Baptist World Alliance

Resolution of Thanks

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BWA World Congress Resolution 1947.5

“Copenhagen is a lovely city. To most of us, until a week or so ago, it was hardly more than a name. Its buildings, its churches, its palaces, its gardens, its squares, its road- ways, and its waterways—all these and more are evident, and win our admiration. Shortly we shall leave it, but it will ever remain a fragrant and happy memory.

“For the citizens are worthy of the city. This has been revealed to us in many ways. We were honoured by the visit and the speeches of the Prime Minister, the Lord Mayor, and the Bishop. We were entertained lavishly by the Civic Authorities and the Mayor at the City Hall. We have been welcomed in homes and hotels without hindrance of language or colour. From the police and passers-by on the street, from the conductors of the tram-cars, from the servers in shops and restaurants, we have met distinctive courtesy. We have entered many churches opened for our messengers.

“And what shall we say of our own people—those of our faith and order? None will cavil if we mention these particularly. It was an act of courage to invite us. To have so prepared and provided for us is a gallant and notable achievement. Weeks and months must have been given to thinking and planning. Possibly there were restless nights and certainly toilsome days, and probably many first intentions never came to fruition. We are deeply grateful, and yet we know that their achievement is more than any expression of our gratitude. To all—officials, chairmen, and members of committees, especially Principal Norgaard and Dr. Bredahl Petersen, the Rev. Baungaard Thomsen, and the Rev. P. Grarup, to all members of the churches in the city and beyond it, to the choirs from Denmark and Sweden who have stirred us so deeply, to the United Danish Band that led us so helpfully in our worship, to our speakers from near and far, to the interpreters, to the large company of stewards and typists, to the hosts and hostesses in many homes, we say ‘Thank you’ and ‘Thank you again.’

“We also hope that something of worth-while value may come from our visit, especially that our fellow- Baptists in Denmark may have been helped to realise the world-community to which we all belong, and that the new friendships formed and the old ones renewed may cement us closer than ever within our goodly fellowship.

“Above all, that because we have come and have been so received, the Kingdom of God may be understood and accepted more fully, and that the peace of the world be founded more securely since we are all believers in Him who is the Prince of Peace.

“Grace, mercy, and peace from Father and Son and Holy Spirit be upon this city!” 199. The resolution was adopted unanimously.


Original Source Bibliography: Lewis, Walter O., editor. Seventh Baptist World Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 29-August 3, 1947. London: The Carey Kingsgate Press Limited, 1948.

Original Source Footnote/Endnote: Walter O. Lewis, ed., Seventh Baptist World Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 29-August 3, 1947 (London: The Carey Kingsgate Press Limited, 1948), pp. 117-118.

Online Document Full Citation: BWA World Congress Resolution 1947.5 Resolution of Thanks;

In-text Online Document Citation: (BWA World Congress Resolution 1947.5).

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