Report of the Committee on Future Congresses | Baptist World Alliance

Report of the Committee on Future Congresses

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BWA World Congress Resolution 1905.4

(The Creation of the Baptist World Alliance)

The report of the Committee on Future Congresses was presented as follows by Rev. L. A. Crandall, D.D., of Minneapolis, who moved its adoption. This was seconded by his Honor Judge W. Willis, K.C., of East Dereham, supported by Rev. J. Clifford, M.A., D.D., of London, and carried unanimously:—


Whereas, in the providence of God, the time has come when it seems fitting more fully to manifest the essential oneness in the Lord Jesus Christ as their God and Saviour, of the Churches of the Baptist order and faith throughout the world and to promote the spirit of fellowship, service and co-operation among them, while recognising the independence of each Particular Church and not assuming the functions of any existing organisation, it is agreed to form a Baptist Alliance, extending over every part of the world.


  1. Designation.—This Alliance shall be known as “The Baptist World Alliance.”
  2. Membership.—Any general union, convention or association of Baptist Churches shall be eligible

for membership in the Alliance.

3. Officers.—The officers of the Alliance shall be: A President, a Vice-President, from each country represented in the Alliance, a Treasurer, a British Secretary, and an American Secretary.

4. The Executive Committee.—The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Treasurer, Secretaries, and twenty-one other members, all of whom, together with the officers, shall be elected at each General Meeting of the Alliance and enter upon office at the close of such meeting. Of the twenty- one elected members:—

Five shall be from Great Britain, seven shall be from United States of America, two shall be from Canada, and the remaining seven shall be from the rest of the world.

Five members shall constitute a quorum for a meeting of the Executive, but absent members shall have the right of voting by proxy, through any other member of the Executive who shall produce a written authorisation. A majority of those voting in person or by proxy shall be sufficient for the transaction of business. Three months’ notice shall be given to every member of the Executive of all business to be brought before the next meeting, which is other than routine business. The President shall appoint at a general meeting of the Alliance a Committee of nine members to submit the names of the officers and of the Executive Committee for the approval of the General Meeting.

5. Advisory Committee.—At a date not later than one year preceding a General Meeting of the Alliance, the Executive Committee shall have authority to appoint an Advisory Committee of not more than three hundred members of the Alliance, to confer with the Executive Committee on any matter pertaining to the objects of the Alliance. The Executive shall, however, have power to appoint an Advisory Committee not exceeding three hundred members at such other times as it may consider necessary.

6. Powers of the Executive.—The Executive Committee shall have the power of filling up vacancies which may occur among the officers and the Executive when the Assembly is not in Session. It shall be the first business of the Executive Committee, after its appointment, and the forming of this Alliance, to frame the bye-laws for the administration of business.

7. General Meeting.—The Alliance shall meet in general assembly ordinarily once in five years, unless otherwise determined by the Executive Committee, the specific date and place to be determined by the Executive Committee which shall have power to make all necessary arrangements therefor.

8. Representation for General Meeting.—Each constituent body of the Alliance may appoint messengers to the General Meeting from its own resident members on a basis to be determined by the Executive Committee.

Amendment.—-No change shall be made in this Constitution except by a two-thirds majority at a General Meeting of the Alliance after at least two days’ notice of the proposed action, such vote not to be taken on the last day of the meeting.

It was also resolved that the following be a Committee to select the names of the Officers and the Executive Committee and submit them to the Congress next morning :—Dr. J. S. Dickerson, of Chicago, Chairman, Rev. R. H. Boyd. D.D., of Nashville; Rev. Professor J. H. Farmer, LL.D., of Toronto; Rev. Professor J. Lehmann, D.D., of Hamburg; Rev. Timothy Richard. D.D., of China; Mr. H. F. Richardson, of Victoria; Rev. A. T. Robertson, D.D., of Louisville; Mr. G. White, M.P., of Norwich; and Rev. W. T. Whitley, M.A., LL.D., of Preston.


Original Source Bibliography: Shakespeare, J. H., editor. The Baptist World Congress: London, July 11- 19, 1905. London: Baptist Union Publication Department, 1905.

Original Source Footnote/Endnote: J. H. Shakespeare, ed., The Baptist World Congress: London, July 11- 19, 1905 (London: Baptist Union Publication Department), pp. 330-331.

Online Document Full Citation: BWA World Congress Resolution 1905.4 Report of the Committee on Future Congresses;

In-text Online Document Citation: (BWA World Congress Resolution 1905.4).

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Since its formation in 1905, the Baptist World Alliance has networked the global Baptist family to impact the world for Christ with a commitment to strengthen worship, fellowship and unity; lead in mission and evangelism; respond to people in need through aid, relief, and community development; defend religious freedom, human rights, and justice; and advance theological reflection and leadership development.