Global Human Rights DirectoryThe Baptist World Alliance has produced a Global Human Rights Directory.

It comprises more than 700 organizations and includes groups that operate globally, others that are regionally focused and some that do human and justice work in specific countries.

The directory “can be used as a source of information for those who seek advocacy and referral services for human rights causes.

The directory cannot be interpreted as a recommendation or endorsement of any particular group or organization. Each Baptist group or organization needs to do its own due diligence as to whether a group, as a potential partner, is compatible with its sense of call or mission.

It is expected that the directory will be updated as information on other groups becomes available.

Production of the directory is the first in a series of steps to provide resources to Baptist churches and groups in particular, and the wider Christian community in general. Future resources will include an online paper offering a theological understanding of Baptist engagement in freedom and justice work, as well as case studies and practical advice on participating in justice issues.

Download the directory here.