BWA Human Rights Awards | Baptist World Alliance

News & Updates | 2015 Quinquennial Award Nomination | Nomination Form |
Former Quinquennial Winners |
Human Rights Award | Former Human Rights Award Winners

News & Updates

The BWA is proud to announce the winner of this years Denton and Janice Lotz Human Rights Award: Christer Daelander of Sweden. Click here for press release.

The 2019 Baptist World Alliance Denton and Janice Lotz Annual Human Rights Award nomination process is now OPEN.

The Baptist World Alliance Denton and Janice Lotz Annual Human Rights Award, established in 2006, is given annually for significant and effective activities to secure, protect, restore, or preserve human rights – those rights inherent in our nature as human beings. For purposes of the Award, the term “human rights” includes all those rights stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and such other rights as may be declared in actions by any of the following organs of the United Nations: General Assembly, Security Council, Economic & Social Council, Trusteeship Council, and International Court of Justice (i.e. Declaration on the Rights of the Child).

BWA Human Rights Awards

Nomination Form (PDF)
(If you’d like to receive the form as a Word document, please email [email protected].)

All nominations must be received by Friday, November 30, 2018.

E-mail: [email protected] Fax: +1 703 893 5160 Postal: 405 NORTH WASHINGTON STREET, FALLS CHURCH, VA 22046, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

United Nations Declaration of Human Rights

Past Awardees

BWA Human Rights Awards

2018: Christer Daelander, of Sweden, is an official BWA representative to the UN Human Rights Office in Geneva, Switzerland, working closely with representatives from the Vatican and other Christian traditions. He has engaged religious freedom issues in Europe, the Middle East and, especially, Central Asia.
Click here for press release.

BWA Human Rights Awards

2017: Cynthia Maung, a medical doctor from Myanmar (Burma), spent nearly 30 years treating refugees who fled “oppression and repression in Myanmar.”
Click here for press release.

BWA Human Rights Awards

2014: Ilie Coada, a Baptist pastor in Moldova, who worked tirelessly against human trafficking and the sex trade in his country.

BWA Human Rights Awards

2013: Glen Stassen for his longtime role as the foremost proponent of the globally recognized Just Peacemaking Theory in matters or war and conflict.
Click HERE for press release.

April 26, 2014: Baptist Ethicist Dr. Glen Stassen has gone to be with the Lord. An active member of the Commission on Peace, Dr. Stassen made a great difference in the lives of many around the world, and we express our sadness at his passing, as well as deep gratitude for what he represented to all of us. Though the world has lost an invaluable person, his memory and the work he has done for peace and justice as a committed Christian and Baptist will remain with us. He was one of those few scholars who managed so well to combine theory and praxis, and at the end of the day, his legacy will not allow us to rest. As we remember him, let us be inspired and challenged to carry on his legacy and work even harder and more diligently for peace and equality throughout the world.

We thank members such as Dan Buttry who have published tributes about this brilliant man.

BWA Human Rights Awards

2012: Edgar Palacios for his prominent role in advocating for the rights of the poor and negotiating the peacemaking process that brought to an end a civil war in El Salvador, which took approximately 75,000 lives over the course of 12 years.
Click HERE for press release.

BWA Human Rights Awards

2011: Wati Aier in recognition for his persistent work for peace in Nagaland over the years and his role as convener for the Forum for Naga Reconciliation.

BWA Human Rights Awards

2009: Leena Lavanya Kumari of Narasaraopet, Andhra Pradesh, India, for her philanthropic work, human rights advocacy, and church planting endeavors in Narasaraopet and surrounding towns and villages.

BWA Human Rights Awards

2008: Dennis Dilip Datta for his advocacy for Bangladesh independence, the restoration of democracy, and the establishment of religious freedom in his country.

BWA Human Rights Awards

2007: João and Nora Matwawana from Angola, for their role in reconciliation and peace efforts in Africa.

BWA Human Rights Awards

2006: Gustavo Parajon from Nicaragua, clergyman, vice president of the BWA for relief and development work.

2015 Quinquennial Human Rights Award

Munyamasoko speaking after receiving the Congress Human Rights Award

Congratulations to Corneille Gato Munyamasoko, recipient of the fifth Congress Human Rights Award! (Click Here for Press Release)

The award is given for lifetime achievement to an individual who has shown significant accomplishments in global advocacy for human rights and the pursuit of social justice and peace within a local or the wider global community.

Past Quinquennial Human Rights Award Winners

The Quinquennial Human Rights Award is given every five years at the Baptist World Congress to an individual who has shown a life-long commitment toward the betterment of human rights.


Munyamasoko speaking after receiving the Congress Human Rights Award

2015: Corneille Gato Munyamasoko, general secretary of the Association of Baptist Churches in Rwanda, was recognized for his work in peace and reconciliation after the 1994 genocide in his country.
Click here for press release.

BWA Human Rights Awards

2010: Denton Lotz, former general secretary of the Baptist World Alliance, for a lifetime commitment to global human rights concerns.

BWA Human Rights Awards

2005: Lauran Bethell of American Baptist Churches for work with exploited women and children in Thailand.

BWA Human Rights Awards

2000: Pastor Simon from Myanmar working in the refugee camps in Northern Thailand.

BWA Human Rights Awards

1995: Former USA President Jimmy Carter, Director of the Carter Center, Georgia, USA.