APBAid Response Framework and Resource Toolkit (COVID19 Response) | Baptist World Alliance

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APBAid Response Framework and Resource Toolkit

With global resources stretched, this is the time to draw on our Baptist values of locally led, activist communities. Asia Pacific Baptist Aid (APBAid) has developed a toolkit as a resource to support conventions, unions and churches seeking to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. The possible practical actions provided in this toolkit can be replicated and adapted for local church responses to the outbreak of COVID-19 in their respective regions.

This toolkit aligns with the global Baptist COVID-19 response plan to “Strengthen, Lead, Respond, Defend, and Advance.”

Downloadable Resources

Wearing Face Masks in Public Space

We now know from recent studies that a significant portion of individuals with coronavirus lack symptoms (“asymptomatic”) and that even those who eventually develop symptoms (“pre-symptomatic”)…

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Needs Assessment Guidelines

These Needs Assessment Guidelines provide a series of questions for a team to work through in order to identify both the resources of a community as well as the issues it may face.

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ABCUSA 21 Days of Prayer Resources

During this time of concern and uncertainty, the members of the National Executive Council and the members of the Regional Executive Ministers Council are calling American Baptists to a time of prayer…

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Texas Baptists COVID-19 Resources

This response page is designed to share virus-related information across our Texas Baptist family. As a convention of churches, we continue to be committed to sharing Christ and showing love, even in the midst of this potentially challenging situation.

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Baptist Union of Great Britain Unites in Prayer

Baptist Union of Great Britain Unites in Prayer


In this unprecedented international crisis, a global response will require global support. Your faithfulness in giving makes an eternal impact and is never overlooked by God. Your partnership will help us provide aid as well as continued engagement and resources in the long-term aftermath of this global pandemic.

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