Friend – As a global pandemic sweeps through the world today, the needs are great. Anxiety, fear, hunger, and grief are gripping communities. How can you and I as people of faith respond in this time of need? The BWA has launched the “Standing Together” Global Response Plan. We have created a new website that outlines our initial approach with details about how you can join us in praying, giving, learning, and serving. More than 600 people from 44 countries joined the BWA in a global prayer marathon last week, and – as a first cornerstone – I urge you to keep interceding for our world. A second cornerstone is generosity. Your faithful support is already at work in every region of the world. The BWA is offering an emergency grant to all 240 BWA Baptist conventions and unions in all 125 countries and territories. Requests are flooding in, and the BWA is immediately setting aside $250,000 USD to respond. But a global pandemic requires a global response, and I am asking the global Baptist family to “Stand Together” with us in raising a matching amount of $250,000. These are truly difficult times financially, but I am asking you to join my wife Amy and I in making a sacrificial gift. Imagine if all 47 million Baptists gave – and you gave with them. A little will become much through the miracle-working hand of our God. Will you stand with us and give your most generous gift today?
Making a Difference by Standing Together, Rev. Elijah M. Brown, PhD General Secretary & CEO P.S. The first three grants are being sent this week and will provide delivery of food to shut-ins in the Vojovdina region of Serbia, life-sustaining meals for the homeless living in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and food for 150 migrant workers and slum dwellers in New Bombay, India. Will you give so that we can continue to respond to needs like these around the world?